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Found 26476 results for any of the keywords 4 suits. Time 0.007 seconds.
Free Spider Solitaire (4 Suit) | Solitaire King4 suit Spider Solitaire is among the hardest types of Solitaire games. Take a challenge and play this beloved version of Spider Solitaire with 4 suits.
Free Spider Solitaire Online (2 Suit) | Solitaire KingPlay Spider Solitaire, one of the most popular Solitaire games. We have 1, 2 and 4 suits Spider Solitaire and all other classic Solitaire games
Play Spider Solitaire (1 Suit) | Solitaire KingSpider Solitaire 1 suit is the easiest Spider Solitaire game, Once you master 1 suit you can move on to 2 and 4 suits.
Yukon Solitaire | Solitaire KingPlay Yukon Solitaire online. There is no stock on Yukon Solitaire, all cards are dealt when the game starts, some are facing down though.
Easy Scorpion Solitaire | Solitaire KingPlay easy Scorpion Solitaire online, a simpler version of Scorpion Solitaire. Solitaire King also has other versions of Spider Solitaire and other Solitaire games.
Forty Thieves Solitaire | Solitaire KingPlay Forty Thieves Solitaire game online on Solitaire King. 40 thieves is one of the more challenging games of Solitaire and required both skill and luck.
Eight Off Solitaire | Solitaire KingEight Off is a type of Freecell Solitaire with 8 reserved spaces that can hold any card. Play Eight off and other freecell games online on Solitaire King.
Klondike Solitaire | Solitaire KingPlay free Klondike Solitaire, one of the well known card game from the family of Solitaire games. Play it online in your browser, iPad, Phone, PC or Mac.
Klondike Solitaire Turn Three | Solitaire KingPlay free Klondike Solitaire turn 3. This version of Solitaire Klondike game is more challenging and draws 3 cards from the deck on every turn.
Russian Solitaire | Solitaire KingPlay Russian Solitaire, a Solitaire game which is very similar to Yukon Solitaire. Solitaire King has all popular and classic Solitaire games with fun gameplay and clever features.
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